Monday, May 3, 2010

Peace Is Possible

The battle over the Gaza Strip and other “holy” lands has occurred between Israel and Palestine for years. Bloody protests and public bombings have devastated the two nations. Cultural and religious differences have divided the people. Peace negotiations have failed time and time again. Fortunately, peace talks have proceeded as of late. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to continue peace talks with Palestine as long as the United States brokers the peace talks. It is pivotal that the United States Mideast envoy, George Mitchell, does all that is within his power to further the peace talks. I firmly believe that if we cannot do so, the nations of the world are on the brink of another world war! Recent allegations of cyber-hacking of United States government websites by the Chinese government further align with my suspicion. The unrest in the Middle East along with mistrust between other nations provides a ground for World War III. All of the wares that have involved United States interference have been based on the mistrust of another foreign government. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ statement on peace talks brings suspicion to my mind. Abbas stated the following: “Sometimes I feel that in Israel there are those who don’t want peace, but we have to try until the ‘last minute.’” Abbas’ statement implies that if peace talks are not successful, there will be some point where peace will be impossible. History shows us that when peace is deemed impossible, wars tend to break out; especially world wars! I believe that the United States is the key element to facilitating peace. We should take an aggressive approach to peace talks between Israel and Palestine instead of the laizze faire approach we have taken for years. World powers are responsible for facilitating the peace of the world. We, the United States, are a world power aren’t we? In my opinion, these peace talks will prove to be the deciding factor of whether war is inevitable or not.

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