Monday, April 19, 2010

Baby Killers!!!

The abortion controversy has been a huge debate among politicians since before I can remember. One hears the presidential candidates’ viewpoints on it during almost every presidential debate during election year. Potter Stewart said, “Abortion is inherently different from other medical procedures because no other procedure involves the purposeful termination of a potential life.” I too am a pro-life advocate. I have a 19 month old daughter and could not imagine life without her. My wife and I decided to have a child at a young age, but it never crossed our mind to terminate her when we found out we were pregnant. The keyword to my statement is the word “terminate.” The definition of terminate is to “put to an end prematurely.” Consequently, the definition of murder is the same, “to put to an end prematurely.” I am appalled, that the government allows women to choose whether or not they murder their babies. In article III of the United States Constitution, murder is outlined as a criminal law. Why is it that we allow mothers to chose whether they commit a criminal or not and let them get away with it. In the blog Pro-Life or Pro-Choice Brooke Christensen, recalls the video clip Silent Scream to exemplify her Pro-Life ideology. I agree with the opinions of Ms. Christensen and feel that the decision in Roe vs. Wade should be overturned.

1 comment:

  1. You have a very conservitive view on this issue, but i will play Devils Advocate for you here. You are right in saying that it is a crime to commit murder, but at the same time these abortions are legal up to a certain point in the pregnancy. It is shown that up until the second trimester that it is not life, it is not the "Legal Definition of life." Which is that the person is able to respond, but that early on a pregnancy it is not possible for the embryo to respond. According to law it is not life. If the baby was going to die, or it could cause the mother to die, wouldnt you want to have an abortion in order to save the mothers life? Just a little food for thought, because the intent is not to kill babies and not have any type of conscience about it.
