Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Go Arizona!

Immigration laws have long been an n issue since the time of our founding fathers. Immigration has been both welcomed and unwelcomed. Immigration has been both legal and illegal. It is by the illegal means that immigrants become hated by us tax paying citizens. My boss, an immigrant from Mexico, has lived in Texas for thirty years now. He has not applied for citizenship, but he is a tax paying and law abiding man. Illegal immigrants, notably from Mexico, are getting away with tax “murder.” It is not fair for a man like myself to work 48 hours a week and have about 200 dollars deducted from my pay check. Likewise, an illegal immigrant can work the same time and be 200 dollars richer than I am. It would be not feasible to describe the other “benefits” that illegal immigrants “swindle” the government on. Brooke Christensen has noted in Props to Arizona that Arizona has passed an immigration enforcement law that allows the police to stop Hispanics on suspicion of being illegal. I agree with Brooke completely on this issue. The state government has to step in when the federal government fails to act. The Constitution denotes certain rights to the states and it is only appropriate that we exercise them. Arizona is setting a precedent for other states such as Texas, New Mexico, and California to create their own immigration laws. The federal government should look at the Arizona immigration law and see it as the first step in nation wide immigration reform. Illegal immigration from Mexico is an enormous issue that also entails crime and drug wars that could spill over into our state. The federal government must not only look at this issue, but the issue of immigration from over seas as well. It is evident that a vast majority of immigrants, illegal or legal, are in search of a better life. I believe the real problem lies overseas. As 9/11 has shown us, there are people entering our country who have the intent of creating a life or fear and anxiety for us citizens. The president and Congress should make it a top priority on their agenda to make immigration laws stiffer. If no efforts are made, I feel that our nation’s people may lose their rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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