Friday, March 12, 2010

Don't Blame Me!

Over the past year, there have been many terrorist type attacks in our country by our fellow Americans. Just recently, John Bedell opened fire outside of the Pentagon. There were instant allegations from both political parties concerning the political ideology of this man. The far right blamed the far left for the mind set of Bedell. The far left blamed the far right for his political state of mind as well. Jesse Walker has brought to my attention in “The Children of George Metesky” that this attack as well as others as of late does not spur from any party. George Metesky set off various bombs around New York during the forties and fifties due to his disgust with the Consolidated Edison Company. Sam Byck also took his disgust of government out by attempting to fly an airplane through the White House. Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, sent various bombs across the country in order to get his views across. The key word in the previous sentences is “his.” These men, as well as Joe Stack, have engaged in terrorist type acts in order to get their disgust with government across; not their highly liberal or highly conservative views. They are products of their own ideology. They are protestors that the government could not hear out. Unfortunately, they had to take lives in order to “make a difference.” They may have been homicidal and rebel’s, but much like the common man, they showed discontent for the government. These terrorist type acts should be a marquise example for the politicians of Washington that things are not favorable for the “common” man. Instead of hearing the arguments of their fellow politicians, they need to open an ear to the average American. The one’s that make a difference each day; rather it be for good or evil!

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